What to do if the fungus has settled on your nails? In this article, we will learn what toenail fungus is and how to treat it. And of course, let's talk about prevention. Everyone wants to see their nails well-groomed, neat and healthy.
But the fungus looks unaesthetic, destroys the nail, changes the color and texture.
What is nail fungus?
First of all, this disease is infectious and is transmitted from person to person. Settling on our nails, the virus destroys them. Nail fungus is also called onychomycosis.
According to statistics, 10% of the population has this virus, and over the years this percentage only grows. This is due to the fact that people do not take any action when they find a yeast infection.
Fungal diseases of the skin and nails are interconnected. They can spread and be transmitted to each other. If the disease is not treated for a long time, it becomes severe over time.
The nail plate thickens or worse collapses. Nail fungus also affects other aspects of our lives.
First of all, people are afraid to take off their shoes or undress, for example at the beach, in the pool or in the bathroom. They fear judgment or ridicule from others and often receive comments. In addition, patients constantly experience psychological stress and physical discomfort.
Causes of fungal infection
- Since the disease is infectious, it can be contracted in places where there is a large concentration of fungi, such as beaches, public baths, saunas, water parks, swimming pools, showers. In general, places where you have to walk barefoot or in common shoes, use shared items, for example towels, towels. In general, places with large concentrations of people are guardians of various viruses.
- Damage to the skin or the nail itself leads to the development of a fungal infection. Often, bacteria begin to multiply on the skin and then affect the nail.
- Excessive sweating creates an excellent environment for the development of fungi. The same effect will occur if you wear uncomfortable, tight shoes.
- Poor nutrition and, as a result, metabolic disorders. The body does not receive the necessary part of vitamins and essential substances, therefore, in addition to metabolic disorders, the immune system weakens. And weakened immunity is a feast for any virus. In addition, when a large amount of sweets is consumed, the functioning of the endocrine system is disturbed. And the fungus takes root more easily.
- The fungus can cause diseases such as AIDS and diabetes. In addition, the weakening of the immune system can be caused by taking antibiotics, and the body can easily get infected with any infection.
How to treat nail fungus
You can remove nail fungus at home. There are effective and old ways. But if the case is advanced, do not neglect to see a doctor.
Vinegar treatment
This is a fairly common remedy for our disease. You need to take 1 part of 9% vinegar and 8 parts of water, if a person suffers from the disease, you can take 4 parts of water for 1 part of vinegar. In men, the solution is more concentrated because their nails are thicker.
For the procedure, you need to steam the problem areas well. Since fungal infections of the feet are often accompanied by fungus on the skin, it is necessary to cut off the steamed skin and the affected part of the nail. We wipe all areas dry from water.
We immerse the problem areas in the prepared solution. The procedure should be carried out 2 times a day for a week. As you can see, the result appears quite quickly.
There is another tried and tested remedy, for which 70% vinegar is used. You need to take 1 tsp of vinegar, 1 tsp of vegetable oil, chicken egg and dimethyl phthalate. Mix the ingredients and apply to the problem area of the nail. Then wrap the place with film and put on socks. The procedure can be performed up to 4 times a day. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.
Treatment with iodine
Apply a 5% alcohol solution of iodine to the affected areas 2 times a day. Apply a drop of the suggested solution. After some time, a burning sensation may appear in the nails. In such a situation, it is necessary to stop the procedure or apply a drop per day or less often.
A golden mustache
I even have a book about this plant at home. It is really amazing and helps against many diseases. It is enough to tear off and mash the leaves to release the juice. Wrap the affected nail after steaming it.
Try to apply only on the nail, if it comes in contact with the skin, it can cause a burn. Wrap on top with a bag and a bandage. Leave it on overnight and in the morning remove the bandage and cut off the brittle nail.
The area can be tarred and bandaged. After some time, the nail will recover, it will be strong and healthy.

Kombucha and Kalanchoe
This method is similar to the golden mustache treatment. You should put the soaked kombucha on the affected area, wrap it with cellophane and a bandage, and the next morning cut off the softened part. One procedure will be enough if you started the treatment on time, but if the fungal infection is advanced, several procedures will be needed.
Instead of a mushroom, you can use a kalanchoe leaf, after first removing the lower skin from it, so that the juice comes out. You can use kalanchoe to make a compress. Attach a leaf of the plant to the affected nail with a patch and change this compress once a day.
Tea tree oil
An excellent home remedy for nail fungus and fungal infections in general is tea tree oil. It is a unique tool that is used in many fields. It will be useful to us now. It is necessary to smear the affected areas with oil for a week.
Before applying the oil, the skin and nails should be steamed, preferably in water with the addition of potassium permanganate and vinegar. After steaming, remove the part of the nail that has started to peel off. When applying oil, massage your nail for 1-2 minutes.
Using a 20% propolis infusion purchased at the pharmacy, make a compress on the nail once a day. Cotton wool soaked in propolis can be stuck with a plaster. Soon the diseased nail will be replaced by a healthy one.
Onion juice and honey
Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and apply on the affected nail. Store the solution in the refrigerator.
Treatment of fungus with yellow fever
You can simply lubricate the nail fungus with celandine juice 3 times a day for 3 months. Remember that this is a poisonous plant and too large areas of it should not be covered with juice.
You can also make a kind of infusion for compresses. You will need 15 g of celandine, 30 g of lilac flowers, 45 g of oak bark, 30 g of calendula. Pour the ingredients with 500 ml of water. The solution should stand for one hour. Then make compresses until the disease disappears.
Prevention of fungal diseases

If you cure the fungus, the disease will not return. You are much more likely to get infected with it again, so you should follow the preventive measures.
Do not use foreign objects and maintain personal hygiene. Never go barefoot in public, use your own flip flops and a towel. At the pharmacy you can buy a special spray and treat your shoes and feet with it, it will protect you from infection.
Do not wear tight, uncomfortable shoes. This will lead to deformity of the feet and nails. This can lead to excessive sweating. Therefore, I advise you to buy natural and quality shoes. If you don't want to spend money, then I can say that good shoes will last you longer and even save you money.
In addition to personal hygiene, take proper care of your fingernails and toenails. Avoid deformities and wounds. Strengthen your immunity, control your diet and watch out for diseases that cause fungal infections.
Now you know the causes of nail fungus and how to treat it, use it wisely and follow all recommendations. Do not develop fungus on your nails, react immediately at the first signs of their appearance.